Follow one woman's desire to become famous without spending a lot of money.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

They can't all be winners...

It was rough today. Not a lot of sign placement was happening - but considering yesterday my sign was seen next to Tyra Banks head I'm okay with it.

Annie refers to Annie Lennox...

Ann can stand for Ann Coulter (hiss.....)

So even though she is the devil she is kind of hot...

My first Ann sighting this morning...

Chris Cimino was in for Al today...

Britney is having more woes...

Dan Abrams was there for legal commentary...

This guy was there via satellite... or whatever medium they use...

Rocco DiSpirito checks in on his table for the upcoming segment.

He sharpened his knife...

This is his backpack in which he keeps his knives and his laptop...

Here's Meredith (it's not the most flattering photo - sorry Meredith)...

But her shoes make up for it...

Annie Lennox rehearsed...

This is about as close as I got to Ann today....

This is Annie's hair...

A "real" photo thrown in...

More of the back of Annie's head.

Here's Rocco again... I said hi to him as he walked by. I said he had nice pants. What do you think?

this is his blackberry...

This is his waist... he's hot...

This is his chicken...

and this is Natalie...

and her shoes...

These are some photos that my trustworthy assistant Kristen took for me...
they aren't from today's show.

Look it's me and P Diddy!

Look, it's me and Trace Adkins!

And I leave you today with my sign (you can see me in the still) during the segment on women's health issues.

Is this normal for my body?
Is this normal for my body?

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