Doesn't it look like we're gazing deep into each others eyes?
Now that that business is over for now here is my sign...
I'm not necessarily looking - but when you're trying to come up with a sign referencing Ann Curry in some way you have to be creative. I must say I did get a little more attention than usual.... hmmmm.
Matt was reporting from the fires in California so here are some shots of his morning preparations.
Here's Meredith getting the treatment.
And Natalie who was filling in for Ann again...
Here's Meredith in New York and Matt in California as you would have seen them...
This couple lost their house.
Here comes the artistic portion of today's post. The sky was sort of groovy looking so I had to take my camera out...
Now the obvious segue here is to move onto the footwear of the talent (that's a Hollywood term...) these are Meredith and Natalie's feet.
Here we have a story on Tom Cruise... I would say he's a nut job but he might eventually want to purchase some of my artwork so I can't really say that... (but you know we're all really thinking that!).
Here's Matt again...
This would be the back of Al's head (but you should know that by now...)
This woman's hair is shaped like an energy saving lightbulb... if I could reach the light fixture in my apartment I would put an energy saving bulb in - but I can't so I'm not going to.
Here are Al Natalie and Meredith outside... I didn't have a very good position...
Hey! It's Mariah Carey!
Hey! It's Mariah Carey's boots!
Hey! Look it's Mariah Carey getting primped!
Mariah was promoting her new fragrance called M I got a bottle of it as well as a t-shirt... I looked online and the perfume is worth $52.50. If I need help paying my bills I can always sell it on the street.
Here is Steve Martin - he has a new children's book out.
These Boyscouts saved some woman from something... they carried her over two miles.
Here's a better view of Meredith's shoes.
This is the woman they carried.
This is Sonja (I hope I spelled her name right)... she comes and takes photos. We discussed different types of cameras. She was using a nice Canon S2 (I think) with image stabilization... I've decided once I sell something I'll buy a new camera because mine is about to die.
Sonja is the one who told me about my new best friend Chris.
Al talked to Phil - the latest contestant to be kicked off the Biggest Loser.
Now I said Mike last week was skinny - Phil is really skinny!
We end today with Walter... he works at Rockefeller Center... he is stationed at the revolving door which all the "talent" comes out of. He's seems like a very nice guy.
so, maybe this wasn't all about Chris... but you never know maybe someday I'll start a new blog called ciminovision or something like that... okay - I'm not being so clever right now... I'll work on it Chris.
Ann is still out on assignment... I realized that I didn't really mention her today... oh well, it can't all be about Ann can it?
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