Follow one woman's desire to become famous without spending a lot of money.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Day nineteen (sort of...).

So It's not quite the same as me being at the show... but I thought this was the best solution

Here's yours truly watching the show this morning from home... notice my Dunder Mifflin Worlds Best Boss mug.

Okay, it doesn't have the same effect as being there but what can I do???

This man's wife was found in her car alive after 8 days...
He's from Seattle...

Ann did the news...

Tavis Smalley was commented on the fact that the four top runners in the GOP didn't show up for a minority sponsored debate last night...

Meredith inside...

Meredith and Matt outside with Max Weinberg

Steven Van Zandt

The crowd was crazy (or so it seemed...).

Meredith and Matt (again)...

I guess this is what there rehearsal looked like before the show started...

Here's some shoes... I think it's Matt, Meredith and Stevens...

Matt and Meredith talk to Bruce...

Clarence Clemons talks to Matt...

Ann and her sign...

Nils Lofgren talks to Matt...

More Ann...

The National Geographic Chanel is airing a show on the history of the bra...

Did you know bras are like bridges??? (perhaps like the Brooklyn Bridge???)

More Bruce...

That's one of the Jimmy's filming... Matt's on the upper right...

Everyone's having a good time...

Here's the two Jimmy's and Bruce.

At 10:00 everything cleared out and the fourth hour began...

Matt announced the winner of the dance contest...

It was Hoda!!! She was pretty good...

She got a big ass trophy...

and showed off her moves again...

That's it. I promise it will be back to normal on Monday... I made some cookies tonight... come down to the Art Under the Bridge festival and you can have one!

Here's the flyer...

Were at 111 Front Street, 208. 1 - 6pm both Saturday and Sunday.

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