The sign today was a shout out to my dad... see Jenerator Rant for more details...
This lady was there yesterday... she's from Las Vegas and she gets very excited when the cameras come by...
Meredith was getting primped for her one year anniversary...
Umberto hit Texas....
Al and Meredith (Matt was in Iran)...
This was a groovy camera they were using today (I think it's a steady cam but I'm not sure...)... The cameraman was pretty cute...
His shoes...
This is Maddie Lindsey and their mom... (Lindsey's in the front)...
These are Ann's shoes - you may notice that these are the same shoes that Hoda was wearing the other day...
Ann and my sign sort of...
More Ann and my sign....
I'm standing right behind Al...
Ann greeting her fans...
Here's Lindsey and Maddie again... I told them they were very cute and that would get the anchors over to us... I was right.
I'm not a stalker really....
Here's Ed!
Miss America and Russell Simmons...
Natalie's shoes...
Ann can cook too!
That's me on the left...
So today Ann hugged me again... I took the time to smell her.. (okay that sounds weird, but my sister asked me how she smelled and I couldn't answer... she smells normal. Not bad like cigarettes and not good like flowers. She read my sign and asked me about my dad... I don't remember the rest of the exchange... I just knew I should smell her.
On another note, I was serious about making cookies for people who take my picture and send them to me... I love to make cookies. Almost as much as I like Ann!
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